Bread has been aroud since ages,
Archaeologists found 81 Loaves of
Bread still sitting in an oven preserved and blacknedby volcanic ash from Pompeli and The British Muesum show case .a 4000 years old loaf of bread Excavated from The Pyramids of Egypt.Indian Chapattis.the bread equivalent was made perhaps right since the INDUS VALLEY Civilization,as Grain Cultivation began then.and the most infamous reference to Bread in History is drapped in the legendary story of Mario Antoinette,the Queen of Louis 16 who when told by her advisor that the Peoople of France are Starving Because There is NO BREAD to eat,ordered him to tell then to eat Cake,Purportedly the Main Reason why Antoninette had to face the GUILLOTINE and Consequently'Democracy Born'.
Sand Wich:
Archaeologists found 81 Loaves of
Bread still sitting in an oven preserved and blacknedby volcanic ash from Pompeli and The British Muesum show case .a 4000 years old loaf of bread Excavated from The Pyramids of Egypt.Indian Chapattis.the bread equivalent was made perhaps right since the INDUS VALLEY Civilization,as Grain Cultivation began then.and the most infamous reference to Bread in History is drapped in the legendary story of Mario Antoinette,the Queen of Louis 16 who when told by her advisor that the Peoople of France are Starving Because There is NO BREAD to eat,ordered him to tell then to eat Cake,Purportedly the Main Reason why Antoninette had to face the GUILLOTINE and Consequently'Democracy Born'.
Sand Wich:
John M ontague,The Gambling Lover too busy with gamblilng to stop for food ordered a waiter to bring Roast-Beef Between Slices of Bread so he Wouldn't get his Fingers Greasy.the ever Popular Fashion of Using Bread 'Sand Wich' was born
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